Everything You Need to Know About Corners on Motorcycle Racing Tracks

  1. Motorcycle Racing Tracks
  2. Track Features
  3. Corners

Nothing is as thrilling as motorcycle racing on a track with tight corners. Whether you're a spectator or a participant, the feeling of being on the edge of your seat as riders speed around the track is unmatched. But what is it that makes corners so special? What do you need to know about corners when it comes to motorcycle racing? In this article, we'll explore the intricacies of corners on motorcycle racing tracks, how to navigate them correctly, and the importance of mastering their technique. Motorcycle racing is an exhilarating sport, and cornering is an essential part of the experience. Different types of corners are found on motorcycle racing tracks, each with their own unique characteristics and demands.

Hairpins, esses, and sweepers are just some of the cornering techniques that will be discussed in this article, along with tips for navigating them safely and effectively. Strategies for mastering different types of corners will also be discussed, as well as the importance of cornering technique in motorcycle racing and examples of successful cornering from professional riders. Finally, safety considerations when cornering on a motorcycle racing track and the benefits of cornering well on a motorcycle racing track will be explored.

Hairpin Corners

are one of the most common corners found on motorcycle racing tracks. They are very tight turns, often with a sharp radius of less than 90 degrees.

The trick to mastering these turns is to get a good drive out of them. This means having a good line through the turn and maintaining speed while exiting the corner. It’s important to stay smooth and steady while turning through a hairpin, as braking too hard can result in the rear wheel sliding out. Additionally, it’s important to keep your body weight centered over the bike while turning.


are another type of corner found on motorcycle racing tracks.

Esses consist of two or more linked turns that are taken one after the other. These turns can be challenging to navigate due to their tight radius and the fact that they require quick shifts in direction. It’s important to maintain a good line through each turn and keep your body weight centered over the bike while turning. Additionally, it’s important to stay smooth and steady while turning through esses, as braking too hard can result in the rear wheel sliding out.


are corners that have a larger radius than hairpins or esses.

These turns can be taken at higher speeds than other corners due to their larger radius. However, it’s still important to maintain control of the bike while taking these turns. It’s important to keep your body weight centered over the bike while turning and stay smooth and steady while turning through sweepers, as braking too hard can result in the rear wheel sliding out. In addition to understanding the different types of corners found on motorcycle racing tracks, it’s also important to understand strategies for mastering them. One key strategy is to practice cornering on a regular basis.

This will help you become familiar with how your bike responds at different speeds and angles, as well as how to adjust your line through a corner if necessary. Additionally, it’s important to understand how much lean angle is required for each type of corner. As you become more familiar with cornering technique, you should also practice using countersteering when necessary. The importance of cornering technique in motorcycle racing cannot be overstated. Cornering well can mean the difference between winning and losing a race.

Proper technique involves being able to read the track ahead of time and anticipate upcoming corners. It also involves understanding how much lean angle is required for each type of corner and being able to adjust your line if necessary. Additionally, it’s important to stay smooth and steady while turning through each type of corner. There are many examples of successful cornering from professional riders that can be studied in order to improve one's own technique. Professional riders often demonstrate exceptional body positioning when taking corners, as well as mastering countersteering when necessary.

Additionally, they often demonstrate an understanding of how much lean angle is required for each type of corner and have excellent throttle control when exiting a turn. Safety is always a primary concern when cornering on a motorcycle racing track. It’s important to always wear proper protective gear such as helmets, boots, gloves, and leathers. Additionally, it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings at all times when cornering in order to avoid potential hazards such as debris or other riders. Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of other riders on the track when cornering so as not to impede their progress. Finally, there are many benefits associated with cornering well on a motorcycle racing track.

Cornering well can lead to faster lap times due to improved throttle control when exiting turns and improved body positioning when taking corners. Additionally, cornering well can lead to improved track awareness which can help riders anticipate upcoming corners and adjust their lines accordingly. Finally, improved cornering technique can lead to increased confidence when riding on a motorcycle racing track.

Strategies for Mastering Different Types of Corners

Motorcycle racing is a thrilling and exciting sport that requires a great deal of skill. Understanding the different types of corners on the track and how to navigate them safely and effectively is key to success.

Here are some strategies for mastering different types of corners:Practicing Cornering Technique:Practicing cornering technique is essential for mastering different types of corners. This means practicing the proper body position and line selection to ensure that you’re taking the best route around the corner. It’s important to remember to stay low and to keep your eyes up so that you can anticipate any changes in the track ahead.

Visualizing the Track Ahead:

Visualizing the track ahead can also be helpful in mastering different types of corners.

It’s important to remember to look beyond the corner you’re currently in so that you can anticipate what’s coming next. This will help you to have a better understanding of how to navigate the track and make better decisions about your line selection.

Using Braking Techniques:

Using braking techniques is also important for mastering different types of corners. Braking too late or too hard can cause your bike to lose traction, so it’s important to find the right balance between speed and control.

It’s also important to remember to release the brakes before you turn into the corner, as this will help you maintain control and keep your bike stable.

The Benefits of Cornering Well on a Motorcycle Racing Track

Cornering well on a motorcycle racing track can have many benefits for riders, including improved lap times and increased confidence. When cornering correctly, racers can achieve higher speeds and better control of their bikes, allowing them to take advantage of the track’s features to the fullest. When cornering on a motorcycle racing track, the key is to take the most efficient line possible. This means taking the inside line around the corner, as it is usually the fastest and has less resistance from the air.

It also allows riders to maintain their momentum, which can help them gain an edge over other racers. Cornering correctly also requires the rider to use their bodyweight to help the bike turn, as well as precise throttle control to ensure they are not losing speed. In addition to improved lap times, cornering well on a motorcycle racing track can also help riders build confidence in their riding abilities. It is often an area of the track where riders struggle, so mastering the skill of cornering can be a great source of pride for any racer.

Furthermore, understanding how to corner effectively can be applied to other aspects of riding, such as braking and accelerating. Overall, understanding and mastering the art of cornering on a motorcycle racing track is key to success for any rider. By taking the most efficient line possible and using their bodyweight and throttle control correctly, racers can benefit from improved lap times and increased confidence.

Different Types of Corners on Motorcycle Racing Tracks

Motorcycle racing tracks feature a variety of turns and corners to navigate, each with its own unique characteristics. The most common types of corners found on motorcycle racing tracks are hairpins, esses, and sweepers.

HairpinsHairpin turns are sharp, 180-degree turns which require the rider to slow down quickly in order to make the turn safely. Hairpins are often found at the ends of straights or at the start of technical sections.


Esses are a series of connected turns or bends, usually at a fairly high speed. The rider must lean the bike into the turn as they pass through, maintaining the same line and speed until they are out of the esses.

SweepersSweepers are long, sweeping turns that can be taken at higher speeds than hairpins or esses. Unlike hairpins and esses, sweepers require the rider to enter and exit the turn in a smooth arc. Knowing the different types of corners found on motorcycle racing tracks and how to navigate them properly is essential for success. By understanding the characteristics of each corner type, riders can stay in control and maximize their speed around the track.

Safety Considerations When Cornering on a Motorcycle Racing Track

When cornering on a motorcycle racing track, safety is of the utmost importance.

Cornering can be a challenging and dangerous part of the race if not done properly. Before taking any corner, it is important to check your blind spot and make sure that no other riders are in your way. It is also important to stay focused and avoid unnecessary risks, such as taking corners too fast. It is also important to pay attention to the lines that are painted on the track. These lines indicate where the best line is to take when cornering.

Taking the correct line can help you navigate the corner more efficiently and safely. Additionally, it is important to be aware of any bumps or obstacles that may be present in the corner. Another important safety consideration when cornering is to keep your bike stable and under control. If you feel yourself losing grip on the track, it is important to reduce your speed and focus on regaining control of the bike. It is also important to keep an eye out for any debris or other obstacles that may be present on the track. Finally, it is important to remain aware of your surroundings.

Pay attention to other riders and be prepared for any unexpected moves they may make. Additionally, it is important to remain aware of any changes in terrain or weather that may affect your ability to corner safely.

The Importance of Cornering Technique in Motorcycle Racing

Motorcycle racing is an exciting sport, and cornering technique is essential for success. Proper cornering technique can help improve lap times and reduce the risk of crashing.

Lap Times:

The ability to navigate corners quickly and safely is key to achieving fast lap times.

Improving cornering technique requires practice and precision, as riders must learn to control their bike’s speed and angle of lean while negotiating a turn. With proper technique, riders can enter a corner at higher speeds and exit faster, resulting in improved lap times.

Reduce Risk of Crashing:

In addition to improving lap times, having the right cornering technique can also reduce the risk of crashing. Riders must learn to properly judge the speed and angle of lean of the motorcycle in order to navigate corners safely. Learning to control the bike’s speed and angle of lean while cornering can help reduce the risk of crashing.


In conclusion, proper cornering technique is essential for success in motorcycle racing.

Improving cornering technique can help improve lap times and reduce the risk of crashing. Through practice and precision, riders can learn to control their bike’s speed and angle of lean while negotiating a turn.

Examples of Successful Cornering from Professional Riders

When it comes to cornering on motorcycle racing tracks, professional riders have mastered the art of navigating corners with precision and speed. One of the most important elements of cornering is throttle control. Professional riders use throttle control to fine-tune the speed at which they enter and exit a corner.

They also use it to adjust their line around the corner and use the most efficient path possible. For instance, when a rider is approaching a corner, they will begin to reduce the throttle and feather the brakes to set up for the turn. This allows them to slow down gradually as they enter the corner and maintain control. As they exit the corner, they will slowly increase the throttle to accelerate away from it.

Additionally, professional riders often use a technique called “trail braking”. This involves reducing the throttle as they approach the corner, then lightly applying the brakes while turning in order to maintain control. This technique allows them to enter the corner at a higher speed, while still being able to adjust their line if necessary. Finally, professional riders are also adept at using body positioning to help them navigate corners.

By shifting their weight to the inside of the corner, they can reduce their turning radius and make sharper turns. By leaning out of the corner, they can increase their speed and exit more quickly. By understanding and mastering these techniques, professional riders are able to successfully navigate corners on motorcycle racing tracks.

Tips for Navigating Corners Safely and Effectively

Navigating the corners on a motorcycle racing track safely and effectively is essential to achieving a successful race.

There are many different types of corners, each requiring different strategies for navigation. To ensure a safe and successful ride, it is important to understand the different types of corners and the best strategies for navigating them.


: An esses corner consists of two or more consecutive turns in alternating directions. It is important to take each turn separately, rather than trying to make them into one single maneuver.

When approaching the first corner, be sure to keep your speed consistent and brake before entering the turn. As you come out of the first turn, apply throttle to set up for the second corner and repeat the same process.


: A carousel is a corner with a long radius that allows you to maintain steady speed throughout. When navigating a carousel, it is important to maintain a consistent speed and to look ahead to the next corner. Accelerate gently as you enter the carousel and adjust your speed as needed to ensure a smooth transition from one corner to the next.


: A hairpin corner requires quick and precise braking and acceleration.

When approaching a hairpin corner, begin braking early and come off the throttle as soon as you enter the turn. Use the brakes sparingly and try to maintain a constant speed throughout the turn. Accelerate gently as you exit the turn and adjust your speed accordingly.


: A chicane is a series of alternating turns that require quick changes in direction. It is important to be prepared for each turn, as chicanes tend to be tight and require precise braking and acceleration techniques.

When approaching a chicane, brake early before entering each turn and accelerate gradually out of each turn. Adjust your speed accordingly to ensure a smooth transition from one turn to the next.


: A kink is a shallow corner that requires minimal braking or acceleration. It is important to maintain a steady speed throughout the corner and look ahead to the next corner. As you approach the kink, gradually reduce your speed as needed and accelerate gently out of the turn. Navigating corners safely and effectively is key to success on any motorcycle racing track.

By understanding the different types of corners and applying the correct techniques, you can ensure a safe and successful ride. In conclusion, understanding the different types of corners found on motorcycle racing tracks is key to success in the sport. By following these tips for navigating each type of corner safely and effectively, mastering different types of corners, and understanding the importance of cornering technique in motorcycle racing, riders can gain an edge over their competition. Corners can be tricky to navigate, but with knowledge and practice, riders can become proficient at cornering and increase their chances of success on the track. Safety should always be a priority when cornering on a motorcycle racing track. Riders should take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety and the safety of others on the track.

Additionally, taking the time to practice cornering techniques can help riders become more comfortable and confident when negotiating corners. The benefits of cornering well on a motorcycle racing track are numerous. Not only can riders increase their speed and lap times, but they can also gain an advantage over their competition. With the right technique, riders can maximize their performance and get the most out of their race.